Today, on the eve of celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, I worked as part of a team of New York Times journalists covering services at African-American churches around the country. We talked to churchgoers and pastors, and photographed services to get a sense of how the black community is reacting to President Trump’s recent comments about Haiti, El Salvador, and certain African nations.
I attended the services at the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church here in Atlanta with Times reporter Alan Blinder. At Ebenezer, where Dr. King co-pastored in the 1960s, the current pastor, Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock, preached to a full house for both services. Times journalists also worked at services in Brockton, Mass., Miami, and Kanas City, Mo. You can read the piece here:
Pastors of Ebenezer (Dr. King is second row, far left).
Bible reading (above), new and old technologies.
Following the services, I managed to squeeze in a portrait of Rev. Warnock.
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